Light Into Our Lives

Despite all the local restrictions, Dearne Churches Together were thrilled to be able to connect with our local community through our ‘Light Into Our Lives’ event this week during half-term. A number of people from different churches gathered on Tuesday to...

Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Appeal

We are very keen to bless our local community, and the half-term event and Christmas activities we are planning are ways to do this (providing gift bags of goodies for our local families.) As a church, however, we also care about children and families in other...

Life’s Big Questions

Each of the big questions we will consider uses the big question words (Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How?) to take us on a journey of discovery. Who Is God? What is He like? A. W. Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important...


Asking questions is a natural and normal part of life; it’s really the way children learn! Studies have shown that a 4-year-old can ask between 200 and 300 questions every single day. Warren Berger, author of ‘A More Beautiful Question’, says children ask an...