Inevitable Defeat?

I’m missing the thought of Wimbledon this year as I love to watch this tennis tournament. One of the things I really appreciate about tennis is the unexpected triumph, those matches when a player looks completely beaten (two sets to love down and a break against...

Abundant Life

I am spending a lot of time meditating on John 10 recently. This is the well-known passage where Jesus speaks about being the good shepherd, a theme that’s recurrent throughout Scripture and throughout our services lately (Stephen preached from Psalm 23 last...

Resolving Conflict

It’s clear that Paul and Barnabas debated what to do about the matter of taking John Mark with them or not for some time and we may feel it frustrating that they could not ultimately agree and so decided to go their separate ways. (Acts 15:36-41) Paul clearly felt...


Disagreements within the church can be painful and divisive. The Bible does not attempt to gloss over disagreements or pretend they never happen. In Acts 15:36-41 we see a painful disagreement (‘sharp disagreement’ has been translated by Tom Wright as a ‘huge row’)...

Introducing Timothy

One of the fascinating aspects of the book of Acts is how we see people introduced and growing in both grace and responsibilities. Some of these people are sketched in detail (we learn a lot about Stephen in the opening chapters before his death, for example); others...