Tunnels and Mountains

My granddaughter has an excellent book about trains called ‘Terrific Trains’ which seeks to teach young children about trains using rhymes to do so. When I first read the book to her, one page in particular captured her attention:  “When a train...

Diffident Faith

Gideon is one of my heroes because his diffident faith reminds me so much of myself. For many Christians, he’s nobody special, a bit of a wimp. Judges 6, which tells of his calling to rescue Israel from the hands of the Midianites, seems to many to be an object...

The Lost Sheep

Tonight’s evening service looked back on the Team Building Day, with the children giving us their decorated hearts as a symbol of the love we are all called to have for each other. Then Jeanette sent us on a hunt for lost sheep, which the children were very good...

Learning Styles

All of us have different styles of learning. In general, the seven most popular learning styles are: Visual (spatial): You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding. Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music. Verbal (linguistic): You...