
The Bible has much to say about hearing. A repeated phrase in Revelation is ‘whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’ (Rev 2:7, 11, 17, 29; Rev 3:6, 13,22). That may seem an odd phrase to us, for there are very few people...

Coming soon in May…

It’s hard to believe May is already here! This year seems to be flying by… Here are a few things that are happening locally this month for your diaries. The Age of Creativity Festival is a national festival celebrating creativity. We are hosting 4...

How Do We Measure Up?

The early church as described in Acts 2:42-47 was a learning, loving, caring, sharing, worshipping, witnessing church. We may feel we don’t measure up very well and it’s always good to ponder carefully our shortcomings and look at how we can change and improve (the...


Generosity and sharing go hand in hand. There is much debate about private ownership and communal living in the early church, with Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 4:32-37 being cited as the ‘model’ for the New Testament church. Certainly, many people sold property and...


Sharing is not a natural concept. Anyone who has brought up children knows this for a fact! The toddler does not like to share; they have to be taught to do this. Their natural tendency is to want to keep all the toys for themselves. They don’t like sharing; they...