The Father of Faith

Abraham is the key example to us in the Old Testament of someone who didn’t have all the answers but who still trusted God. God had promised Abraham He would give him a son in his old age. Abraham and Sarah were old and had been married a long time and it didn’t look...

Believing When Bewildered (2)

Often, when we are confused and bewildered and don’t seem to have any answers to big questions (‘if God is so loving and powerful, why has this happened?’), the temptation is to give up. We conclude that God must either be not so loving or not so...

Believing When Bewildered

Most people like quizzes; these are one of the most popular TV shows, with quizzes like Mastermind or Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? drawing large audiences. We like to be able to answer questions and show off our knowledge. Unfortunately for us, life is not quite as...

Being Creative

This week has been busy at GPCC as we hosted four creative workshops run by Kingdom Consortium members as part of the national Age of Creativity’ festival. This aims to get people over 50 involved in the creative arts, not only because these are fun but because...

Tunnels and Mountains

My granddaughter has an excellent book about trains called ‘Terrific Trains’ which seeks to teach young children about trains using rhymes to do so. When I first read the book to her, one page in particular captured her attention:  “When a train...