The Greatest Prayer

We talk about Good Friday as the ‘greatest day’, the day when Jesus died on a cross as a once-for-all sacrifice for sin, and it is fitting that this day should hold such an important place in the Christian calendar. It is a sad sign that our society is...

Easter at GPCC

On Good Friday (19th April) we will be remembering and celebrating our Lord’s death from 5 p.m. We’ll be having a fellowship meal together and sharing Communion and then from 6 p.m. will be reflecting on the 7 last words spoken by Jesus as He hung on the...

“Same old, same old…”

As adults we can easily become cynical, inured to life’s vicissitudes and bereft of optimism and positive expectation. We call it being ‘world weary’, beaten down by disappointment until pessimism and a lack of positive expectation become our defence...

Lessons From A Donkey

The main lessons we learned from the donkey who led Jesus into Jerusalem were: Experience isn’t necessary if God calls you! He equips the called; He doesn’t call the equipped. God has chosen us for good works and to serve Him as gladly as the donkey did....