Catalysts and choices

A catalyst is a substance that causes or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected or changed. One example of this is the catalytic convertor in a car which contains the catalyst platinum which changes carbon monoxide (which is toxic) into carbon...

Empty Wrappers (2)

We can be guilty sometimes of viewing faith as something entirely personal, based on feelings, but Christianity is rooted in historical fact and in a historical person. The life and death of Jesus Christ are facts which are central to our faith and Paul made it clear...

Empty Wrappers

One of Garry’s pet hates is coming to a tin of chocolates expecting to find chocolates and only finding empty wrappers in the tin… The sense of disappointment and anticlimax is intense when that happens! In Mark 15:42-46, we read of the burial of Jesus,...

Coming To Faith

Dave spoke this morning from Luke 24:1-11, one of the New Testament accounts of the resurrection of Jesus. The disciples were devastated by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, but His resurrection changed them irrevocably, showing them that death was no longer a barrier...

Resurrection Day!

Good Friday reminds us of the price that had to be paid for our sins. We see a suffering Saviour, one who apparently failed in His mission. I imagine the disciples watching the crucifixion were devastated, bewildered and heartbroken as they realised there would be no...