Earthly Responsibility & Heavenly Enabling

John Stott reminds us that the first apostles fell into two traps which are still waiting to trip us up. Initially, as the apostles were talking to Jesus after the resurrection, their focus was still very much on the restoration of the kingdom to Israel. (Acts 1:6)...

The Second Coming of Christ

We may not know when Jesus will come again, but the subject of His return to earth (also known as His ‘second coming’ or the ‘parousia’) forms a large part of New Testament teaching. The topic is said to be mentioned 318 times in the 260 chapters of the New Testament...

About Dates & Times

The placards proclaim, ‘The end of the world is nigh!’ Despite the majority of people carrying on as though this world will continue as it is for ever, there is a general interest in topics like the ‘end times’ or the apocalypse. Humans are curious creatures; we like...

Jesus and the Holy Spirit

We have already said that the book of Acts could be summarised as ‘the continuing word and deeds of Jesus by His Spirit through His apostles.’ (John Stott) In this book, we see how the Godhead (Father, Son and Spirit) work in perfect unity and harmony to fulfil God’s...

The Source of Power

The first followers of Jesus were not renowned for their bravery. Peter, despite all his bluster and bravado, denied Jesus three times and when Jesus was arrested, most disciples fled. They were not expecting the resurrection, despite all that Jesus had told them...