Building Blocks

In one sense, people are the very building blocks of the church, the ‘living stones’ Peter describes as being built into a spiritual house in which God dwells. (1 Pet 2:4-5) But there are also ‘building blocks’ we need to use in our lives if we are to be built up and...

Building the Church

At our family service we looked this month at the subject of ‘Building the Church’ (1 Pet 2:4-5). We used a variety of building blocks to have a go at building (Jenga blocks, differently-shaped wooden blocks, pebbles etc.) and discovered that it’s easier to build with...

Seeking More of God

Pat spoke this morning about the need for us to be wholly surrendered to the Lord and seeking more of Him. Recently we have had many messages calling us back to prayer and we need to be a people of prayer. In Jonah 3:1-10, we see how God responds to prayer and...