Developing Zeal

We often feel embarrassed or even afraid of zeal and passion, recognising them as the impetus behind action and feeling wary about the combination of emotion and action. It’s not considered British to be passionate! Zeal may make us feel uncomfortable (think...

Worn out and burned out

So often, we start out well in life, but keeping our spiritual fervour is not easy. It’s easy to be worn down by activity and to become burned out. Elijah experienced this. He had seen God do great miracles by sending fire down on Mount Carmel and sending rain after...

Z is for Zeal

Tonight we reached the end of the alphabet in our ‘A-Z of Christian Faith’… Z is for Zeal. Zeal is defined as ‘great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective’. Synonyms include: Zeal is fuel for the journey. It’s the thing which...

I Will Always Love You

This morning at Cherry Tree Court Pat reminded us that despite the challenges and difficulties life brings us, God’s love remains constant and unchanging. In Job 42:1-6, we see how Job moves from head knowledge to a personal relationship with God as he finally...