A Royal Wedding

Tonight’s Bible study continued our journey through the Messianic psalms as we looked at Psalm 45. This psalm is entitled ‘for a royal wedding’, and was possibly written to celebrate the marriage of King Solomon. Royal weddings are always grand...

Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em!

Stephen’s sermon title harks back to a 1970s comedy series featuring accident-prone Frank Spencer and his tolerant wife, Betty. In the case of Mary, however, she was a mother who really did have a special child! What set Mary apart, making her God’s choice...

Mary, the ultimate mother

Today is Mothering Sunday in the UK and Mark spoke this morning at Cherry Tree Court on Mary, the mother of Jesus. To be chosen to be the mother of God’s Son was an immense privilege for Mary, but her reaction to the angelic announcement (Luke 1:26-38) gives us...

Dearne Community Arts’ Festival 2018

This year’s Dearne Community Arts’ Festival will be on Friday 31st August and Saturday 1st September from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Dearne ALC. Last summer’s festival was a great success, but the Dearne Playhouse is fully booked on Saturdays throughout...