Good Friday Church Crawl

Good Friday (30th March) is one of the most important dates in the Christian calendar, as Christians take time out to focus on the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. This year, we will be exploring different Christian traditions by visiting different local churches and...

Don’t Fret!

Psalm 37 mentions the command ‘do not fret’ three times in the space of a few verses (Ps 37:1, 7, 8) Fretting often seems to us less serious than worrying or being anxious, but it can be just as destructive to our mental and physical health. The word in...

The Delights of the Word

In the Bible study last night, Garry started looking at Psalm 119, the longest psalm in the Bible. In it, the psalmist extols the delights of God’s word. In Hebrew, this is an acrostic poem, with each stanza of 8 verses beginning with a different letter of the...