Living Worry-Free

Living Worry-Free

Living ‘worry-free’ seems a pipe-dream to most of us (a pipe dream is an unrealistic hope or fantasy, a phrase alluding to the strange dreams experienced by smokers of opium pipes in the 18th and 19th centuries.) We spend our lives steeped in worry, to the...
Stop Mithering!

Stop Mithering!

‘Stop mithering!’ was a phrase I heard frequently in my childhood. For those of you not brought up in the Barnsley area of South Yorkshire, ‘mither’ (with a long ‘i’, as in ‘might’) may not be a familiar word. It means...
Thank you!

Thank you!

Thanks were given tonight to Gillian, who has served faithfully for many years in the music team, playing the piano on Sunday evenings. Now she feels it’s time to step down from this role, and we wanted to thank her for her faithfulness and worshipping heart....