
Most of us have received a parcel by post at some time, often in a huge cardboard box. On opening the box, there even more packaging inside: bubble-wrap, paper, lightweight polystyrene shapes, tightly packed polystyrene covers. It can feel like a Russian doll, as...

Coming soon…

It was encouraging to be at the first ‘Churches Together’ prayer meeting yesterday and to join with Christians from 4 local churches to pray for our churches, community and wider world. The next ‘Churches Together’ prayer meeting will be on...

Portal to Strength

I live with people who adore science fiction and so I have spent a fair bit of time absorbing ideas about portals. A portal is a doorway, gate or entrance and in science fiction and fantasy terms, it usually refers to a technological or magical doorway that connects...

Naked and unashamed

In our Bible studies, we have been looking at the penitential psalms and talking about the need for repentance as the starting point on a journey of faith, and something which is ongoing in a life of faith (see Matt 3:2, Matt 4: 17, Acts 2:38, Rev 2:5, Rev 3:19). Ps...