Embracing Listening

Listening is a skill that has to be developed; James reminds us that we should be slow to speak and quick to listen (Js 1:17), and someone has commented that we have two ears but only one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we speak! Listening well means that...

How Do We Pray the Psalms?

The easiest way to pray the psalms is to read them meditatively and allow them to shape our prayers, rather than trying to fit our prayers into the psalms. Traditionally, the psalms have been read daily; in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, it is possible to read...

The Psalms as Prayers

As we move on from considering the Psalms as poetry and song to thinking about them as tools for prayer, we spent the evening praying using the Psalms and the Lord’s Prayer (Matt 6:9-13) as the model for our prayers. Timothy Keller calls the Psalms ‘uncensored prayer’...

Embracing Obedience

One of the most important things we need to embrace in our walk with Jesus is obedience. Samuel told the king Saul, after his foray into doing his own thing, that ‘to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.’ (1 Sam 15:22) These are...

Embracing the ‘little things’ in life

The song says ‘the best things in life are free’, and as the picture shows, so much of what makes life truly wonderful can’t be bought by money. We can easily lose our focus in life and become obsessed by earning more, owning more and striving for more. As we approach...