Update from India

What can we say so far about our visit to India? It is difficult to know where to start. First impressions include the warmth and friendliness of the people, their humility and thirst for God, the insane traffic and driving, the heat, the smells of spices that are so...

Living a life of love

As we reach the end of these Lenten musings, it’s very easy to summarise the life God wants us to live. He wants us to live a life of love. Love is the fulfilment of the law (see Rom 13:10 & Gal 5:14) and if we want to reflect God’s nature to others, we have to...

Practising Patience

We laugh at the joke told of the woman who came forward for prayer. When asked why she needed prayer, she said, she wanted God to give her the gift of patience and she wanted it right now! When Dave was recently in hospital, he was told he would need patience and...

Growing in gentleness

Gentleness is another virtue that is easily overlooked. Gentleness is quiet, unassuming and tender; we appreciate it when we are injured or ill or needing medical attention, but we are often too impatient to grow in gentleness. Haste, impatience and being...

Cultivating Humility

Apologies for having fallen behind with our Lenten blog posts: travelling to India and a busy schedule so far have meant computer access is limited. Here are our last thoughts… Weeds grow more quickly and easily than flowers and plants, it seems, and in the same...