
Dave continued his series on the fruit of the Spirit this morning, looking at the subject of patience. Christians may well often regard this gift in the same way that people feel when opening socks on Christmas Day! – we may need patience, but we don’t...

Noble gases

When I was at school studying chemistry, we learnt about the Periodic Table of elements and noble (or inert) gases. Noble gases are those which don’t really react very much with other elements; gases such as helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon are...


January is the month when self-discipline rears its head as people, shamed by Christmas excesses and prompted by the media, decide to ‘start afresh.’ Membership of gyms and attendance at slimming clubs soar in this month, as people decide to be pro-active with...


Paul resolved to use his freedom as a Christian (see Gal 5:1, 13) to serve God. That meant limiting his freedom at times (refusing to eat meat if that would help someone to become stronger in their faith, for example), secure in the knowledge that he belonged to God...