You’re special!

Mark’s sermon last night looked at the topic ‘You’re special!’ From special offers (on cars, bikes, clothes, guitars, kebabs and fried rice!) to special editions (cars with ‘go faster’ stripes, for example!), using the word...

The Fruit of the Spirit

Dave started a new series on the ‘fruit of the Spirit’ this morning, speaking from Gal 5:13-23. Recently, we have been looking at the baptism of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit, but to ensure balance, we need to look also at the fruit of the Spirit....

Many hands make light work…

As the summer holidays start, so does the hard work of decorating our church building. Having such a great community facility is a fantastic privilege, but we also have a responsibility to look after this facility and so over the next few weeks, we’ll be aiming...

Servants of Christ

Tonight’s Bible study looked at 1 Cor 4:1-13. Paul continues his exposition of the true nature of apostleship, reminding the Corinthians that apostles are primarily servants of Christ and stewards entrusted with the mysteries of God. The word used for servant...