God Calls To Us All

Dave spoke this morning from John 1:43-51 TNIV about how Jesus called Philip and Nathanael to follow Him. The call of God has been much on our minds recently with the changes in church leadership, but the call of God actually comes to every believer. Sometimes,...

Further memories

In case anyone has been wondering, Igor (the official church mascot) was pleased to be at church yesterday: Thanks to the church for the beautiful flowers: We had some lovely family shots throughout the evening: And then we just had lots of other great photos to...

The official thank yous!

One of the things our church does exceptionally well is provide food for buffets! Our thanks to all who provided so generously for the refreshments afterwards. Thanks to Ruth for making flower arrangements for the community hall: Thanks to all who helped on car park...

Fellowship & friendship

One of the great blessings of the service last night was the opportunity to meet friends and to enjoy fellowship: Just before the start of the service: Enjoying food after the meeting: Julie with various colleagues from Hope House School, including former pupils, and...


Both Garry and Julie gave testimonies of how God has led them to this new area of responsibility. One of the great privileges of this service was having so many friends attend who have been instrumental in shaping their ministries over the years. Garry thanked Brian...