Celebration service – new charges

Dave went on to continue speaking from 1 and 2 Timothy, offering advice from Paul’s letters to Timothy on leadership to Garry and Julie. 1 Tim 3:1-5 TNIV talks about the criteria those in leadership require, namely being ‘above reproach, faithful to his...

Celebration service – giving thanks

Saturday 4th January 2014 was a significant day in the life of our church as we gave thanks for the leadership of Mark and Diane over the past eight and a half years and welcomed Garry and Julie to the pastorate. First of all we reviewed highlights in these...

More party photos

Here are some more party photos from Wednesday: We played pass the parcel with forfeits. Here, Eileen had to sing ‘Away in a Manger’ whilst wearing a Christmas hat: Karen had to be superman, underpants and all! Members of the Salvation Army drew the...

New Year’s Day party

One of our church traditions which I really like is the New Year’s Day party. It is good to start the new year together with food, fun and fellowship. These are key ingredients to any family life (I agree with Jan Peterson’s view that eating together is a...