Prayers for healing

I recently read a prayer that I think is relevant to the church’s prayer topic of healing this month. This is the ‘Collect for St Luke the Evangelist’ which says:”Almighty God, who called Luke the physician, whose praise is in the gospel, to be...

Thought for the day

“We have an unassailable future in the benevolent plans of God.” (Charlie Cleverly, ‘Epiphanies of the Ordinary’ P 130)”‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you,...


It may be true that laughter is the best medicine, but it’s not always easy to laugh when illness or pain hit us. Pain concentrates the mind and it’s difficult to think of anything else. On Sunday night, Mark began the first of four sermons in July looking...

Doctor quiz

Alan and Janet hosted a quiz about fictional doctors for us. This was, quite obviously, the best quiz ever:Winners with 23 points: Alan and Janet showing prizes: Active participation: Other winners:

Doctor, doctor…

Last night’s family service was on the topic of healing (every Sunday night during July, we will be looking at this subject, with opportunity for prayer for healing at each service.)We started with some ‘Doctor, doctor’ jokes, however (laughter...