The Middle Voice

This is a grammar lesson which, if you persevere, tells us a lot about prayer. The verb is that part of a sentence which affirms action or state of being. Younger pupils define it as a ‘doing’ word.Verbs have voices. Voice is ‘that property of the...

April Fools’ quiz

During the family service, Tony & Gary organised a quiz about April Fools…It was full of (16) difficult questions: Being a French teacher meant I could at least say the traditions started in France and the French call April fools ‘un poisson...

April Fool or Lifetime Fool?

At the family service last night, Mark spoke about being an April Fool or being a Lifetime fool. The Bible has a lot to say about being foolish. Matthew 7:13-29 reminds us of the importance of building our lives on the solid words of Jesus if we are to be wise people....

Palm Sunday

Dave preached from Matt 21:1-11 this morning, a very familiar passage about Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. In Luke 9, we read that Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem, determining to arrive there for the Jewish festival of the Passover, when Jews...

Family film night

Last night about 70 of us, many children who had attended the Easter Special earlier in the day, came to watch ‘Hop’, a film about the Easter bunny released last year (for a preview, you can view the trailer here trailer for ‘Hop’) The film,...