True friends

Proverbs 17:17 says “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” The Bible has a lot to say about friends and friendship. Right from the beginning when God said ‘It is not good for man to be alone’, there has...

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Today was the Macmillan Coffee morning at church, where all proceeds were donated to the cancer charity. We raised £137.26 from the event, so many, many thanks to all who contributed to this great success!The poster says ‘We like a cuppa’ and that’s...

Faith, works, mercy & judgment

We started tonight’s Bible study by looking at James 2:13, where mercy is said to triumph over judgment. Mercy is getting what we don’t deserve! We deserve punishment, judgment and wrath, but find instead that God, who is rich in mercy, offers us...

Musical musings from Michael Card

Apologies for the alliterative title! But I have been reflecting further on last night’s concert and have such a lot to share from that!For those of you who have attended the Bible studies on James, you know that congruence in living is something I’m...

Long-distance running

During the summer I was able to watch some of the Olympics on television and I joined with many other Brits in cheering Mo Farah to gold in the 5,000 m and 10,000 m. I am fascinated by long-distance runners. They look so thin and under-nourished that I often wonder...