Making a difference

Stephen preached this morning from Matthew 13, looking at the parable of the mustard seed and the parable about yeast. Both these parables show us the difference that an apparently small, insignificant thing can make. A mustard seed, Jesus says, is the smallest of...

Down to earth… down to the drains

On a lovely sunny day in April, what could be more pleasant than being outdoors? Well, I’m sure these people can think of a whole host of other things they would have preferred to be doing this Saturday, but they generously gave of their time and effort to try...

Achievement and anticlimax

When we first started meeting in the new building, I preached on the dangers of anticlimax, for there is usually a ‘low’ that follows any ‘high’ and we can be in danger of thinking that there is something wrong if we aren’t always feeling...

Mother’s Day Quiz Part 2

The second half of the quiz was to guess the name of the female animals listed below:How successful were you with these? I was hoping for more obvious pictures, like ‘lioness’!The answers:1) Doe (a deer, a female deer, as the song goes)2) Hen3) Doe (also a...

Mother’s Day

It was entirely fitting that on Mother’s Day we celebrated the dedication of a baby at our church. Grace, born in October last year, was brought by her parents to the church for prayer and blessing, dedicating her to the Lord and asking God’s help in...