Romans 10

Bible studies resumed this week, looking at Romans 10:1-13.Paul continues with his heartfelt desire and prayer that the Israelites should be saved. Despite being known as the apostle to the Gentiles and being called to serve God overseas, he still has a heart for his...

The Hands of Jesus

Mark continued looking at the body of Jesus last night, this time looking at the hands of Jesus. How did Jesus use His hands?First and foremost, Jesus worked with His hands. Mark 6:1-3 tells us that He worked as a carpenter for the majority of His life. He was a...

Two sons and a father

The parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-32) ought really to be called ‘the parable of the two sons and a father’. Dave preached from this passage this morning, looking at it as a drama in two acts, a parable Jesus told because his audience had been...

More roaming in Romans!

Bible studies in Romans resume this coming week (Thursday 15th September at 7.30 p.m.) We’re up to Romans 10 and will be looking at this book every Thursday except the first Thursday in the month, which is a prayer meeting.Just to bring us up-to-date on what...

Total Recall

‘Total Recall’ was a 1990 science-fiction film featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger. The plot concerns an apparently unsophisticated construction worker, Doug Quaid (Schwarzenegger), who is either a victim of a failed memory implant procedure or a freedom...