A precious Saviour

Ralph preached last night on the verse from 1 Peter 2:7 looking at ‘to you who believe, He is precious’. Taking Song of Songs chapter 2 as his text, he examined ways in which Jesus is precious to us. He looked at some of the ‘I am’ names of God...

The Way

Mark preached from John 14:6 on Sunday morning, looking at the verse ‘I am the way.’ Jesus answers a question from His disciples as He teaches them about His future destiny. They don’t understand how He can be talking about leaving them and where He...

What do we pursue?

Pursue… chase after… follow determinedly…continue after….seek, search…track and trail…run after… shadowrighteousness…right living…rectitude…integrity…honour…chivalrygodliness…being like...

Redemptive Pain

This is not easy to write in that the subject of redemptive pain can’t be explored fully in a simple blog post. But I believe it’s a topic we shouldn’t run away from. I’m not a masochist. I don’t go looking for pain. But I do believe that...

Ongoing surrender

Never suppose for a moment that preachers are simply telling other people what to do. The scariest thing about preaching is that the truths you say aloud are those which definitely cause your own heart to beat that little bit more quickly. There’s never any...