Strength will rise

I love this photo of Joan, feeling exhausted after the tea and just before the evening meeting. The week leading up to the Open Day was truly exhausting and I don’t think she can be blamed for feeling the pace or needing the energy drink to keep going!The Bible...


During the Open Day, we had a ‘visitors’ book’ in which visitors could write their comments about the church refurbishment. Here are some of the comments that were written:”An excellent example of the Church working with and for the community...

After the evening meeting

After the evening meeting ended, we returned to the community hall to finish the buffet and to chat with people.Proof that people who had been here all day were still smiling by the end!The clock shows we’ve been there over twelve hours!Chatting with friends who...

Community consultation

One of the aims of the Open Day was to consult with the community about what people want to see in the new building. We had a ‘suggestions table’ where people could write their suggestions and ideas for activities and the leadership of the church will look...

Worship, prayer and the Word

The essentials of Christian meetings have often been summarised as worship, prayer and the Word. In Acts 2 we read that “they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” In our church,...