New blog!

This blog will soon be running out of things to say, since it was created specifically to chart the progress of the church as it renovated St Mark’s. Once I’ve got all the details down about the Open Day, I won’t be posting here any more.But do not...

A Fresh Start!

Welcome to the new blog of Goldthorpe Pentecostal Community Church! Many of you will have read about our journey of faith in moving from Beever Street to Market Street and a bigger church building. You can read more about that at our other...

A House of Prayer

One of our prayers is that the new building will indeed become a house of prayer. At the Open Day, we listed the many answers to prayer we have seen over the journey to acquire St Mark’s and renovate the building, and we look forward to recording many more...

Even more photos!

I’m still working through all the photos and there are so many to share with you!I think this photo captures the hard work and fun in the kitchen! (and satisfies the Health & Safety person in me, since it shows the First Aid kit!)Proof that Stephen did...

The evening celebration

I was too busy taking part in the evening celebration to take photos, but I’ve just been given these photos from the meeting (thanks, Mark!)Dave during the first sermon:Stephen during his sermon:Esther singing:Garry preaching:Mark preaching: