Fabulous, filling food!

Man doesn’t live on bread alone, and neither did we on Saturday! After the Open Day finished, church members and friends who had worked so hard with us on this faith journey had a meal together. In our area, this kind of meal is often known as a ‘faith...


Names in the Bible generally have far more significance than in our Western society. Abram (‘exalted father’) became Abraham (‘father of many’). Jacob (‘he grasps the heel’, figuratively ‘he deceives’) became Israel...

The Photo Gallery

At the start of the planning for the Open Day, it was decided to use the corridor space to host a photo gallery to show people how the work progressed. We spent one evening looking through hundreds of photos to try to narrow them down to the 46 we could have. In the...

Our glorious geeks!

We need technical people to help things run smoothly, and these guys were great. They were responsible for the presentation which ran throughout the day, for the background music in the main hall, for giving us words to sing to in the evening meeting and for the sound...

More fun!

One of the songs we love is called ‘More Love, More Power’ by Jude Del Hierro. This post is all about having more fun!Different ages enjoying table-tennis:Playing pool:Balloon-modelling:Face-painting outdoors:Doing colouring competitions and the anagrams...