Yan Hadley 27/07/14 PM ‘The Gift Of Godly Wisdom’
Garry Turner 27/07/14 AM ‘Worship in Prayer’
Julie Turner 20/07/14 PM ‘Everyday Benevolence’
Mark Burgin 20/07/14 AM ‘Hunger Games’
Garry Turner 13/07/14 PM ‘Culture Clash’
Dave Wood 13/07/14 AM ‘Don’t worry’
Dave Wood 06/07/14 AM ‘Are we under the Tree?’
Julie Turner 29/06/14 PM ‘Grace in the everyday and the mundane’
Julie Turner 29/06/14 AM ‘Love where we live’
Garry Turner 22/06/14 P.M. ‘God the Builder’
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