The Lord of Time

Mark spoke on the subject of time last night, looking first of all at the vastly popular subject of time travel. We considered various films and programmes looking at this theme, from Dr Who:to H.G. Wells’ ‘The Time Machine’ (which scared him...

Time travel

Tonight’s family service looked at the theme of time and the quiz was all about time travel films!Some of these were from long ago:(It’s A Wonderful Life)(Dr Who)(Planet of the Apes)(Groundhog Day)(Back to the Future trilogy)(Time and Relative Dimension in...


Michael Card has taken the theme of the stumbling-block mentioned in Psalm 118:22 and 1 Peter 2:7-8 TNIV and written a song about it called ‘Scandalon’, the Greek word for stumbling block or rock which is a cause of stumbling. Peter applies the verse in Psalm 118:22...

Shouts of joy and victory

This morning we looked verse by verse at Psalm 118:1-29 TNIV, a psalm of rejoicing and victory.The psalm (Martin Luther’s favourite, apparently!) deals with important themes of thanksgiving, telling us several times (at the beginning and the end for emphasis) to...


Yesterday was ‘Thanksgiving’ in the US, a reminder that during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens” and now celebrated on the fourth...

Dates for your diary!

December is always a busy month, so it is good to make a note of the special services we will be holding during December.The family service will be on Sunday 1st December at 6 p.m. There will be Sunday meetings as usual throughout December, with Communion services...