The Dragon

I might never have seen a dragon in a nativity play (and am seriously considering remedying that myself for next year!), but I know a song based on Revelation 12 which will have to do for now! This one is from Michael Card’s album ‘Unveiled Hope’...

Cosmic Christmas

Christmas seems inevitably associated in our minds with small children, usually influenced as we are in the UK by pupils of primary school age ‘doing the Nativity’ in school plays. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this and it is indeed wonderful to...


Dave spoke this evening on Joseph, looking at the angel’s words to him in Matt 1:18-25 TNIV. Matthew’s Gospel shows us the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies, but we also see in this account a very personal story. It is important for us to...


In the course of his sermon, Garry mentioned that today is known traditionally as ‘Gaudete Sunday’ (pronounced Gow-day-tay, since he asked). ‘Gaudete’ is simply the Latin for ‘Rejoice!’ In past times, when the services were...


Spurred on by Dave’s reminder last week of the different Advent themes for each Sunday in Advent, Garry spoke this morning on joy, taking as his text Luke 2:8-14 TNIV. Joy comes largely from our perspective and perspective comes from both knowledge and faith....

Once and for all

There are some things we do over and over again: wake up, get up, brush our teeth, get washed and so on. It can be difficult to estimate how many times we do these things in the course of our lives, though many try, calculating how many hours we spend in the bathroom...