Football news

It’s not often I even register news from the football world, not because I have no interest at all in football (I was brought up by a sports-mad father and have attended a number of football matches all over the country, not to mention cricket matches, often...

Why Did Christ Die?

Dave continued speaking about the importance of Christ’s death and resurrection by looking at 1 Cor 2:1-5 and asking the question why did Christ have to die? In considering the last day of Christ’s life, he looked at John 13, where Jesus washed His...

Through her tears

Dave spoke from John 20 this morning, looking at how Jesus met with Mary after the Resurrection. You might expect the resurrection accounts to be dazzling and marvellous, given the amazing content of the news that Christ has risen, but as with so many things in the...

Hold on to hope!

As we reach Easter Sunday, our hearts are filled with awe and gladness that we can indeed proclaim that Christ is risen. I often think of what it was like to reach that first day of the week without the benefit of hindsight, however: to view Easter as it must have...

Coffee morning news

We finished the Easter March of Hope at the Pentecostal church’s coffee morning! Thanks were given to all who had helped, especially the stewards, drummer and standard bearer: Inside, we enjoyed drinks and cakes: Thanks to all who helped with the coffee morning...

Easter March of Hope – photos

This morning, members of various churches in Goldthorpe (including the Salvation Army, the local Anglican church, the Roman Catholic church and ours) joined together for an Easter March of hope and witness. GPCC members setting off from Market Street Meeting with...