
At the end of Romans 8, one of the most confident and reassuring passages in Scripture, Paul says ‘For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor...

Rooted and built up in Christ

Tonight’s sermon looked at being rooted and built up in Christ, with reference to Col 2:6-15. God wants us to start well by faith and to continue by faith. In that sense, growing up spiritually is not the same as growing up naturally, for as parents we teach our...

Becoming more like Jesus

At the service at Cherry Tree Court this morning, Stephen spoke about what we as Christians can do to become more like Jesus? Phil 3:7-11 offers us clues. Change in our behaviour always starts with a radical new way of thinking (Rom 12:1-2); transformation of the mind...

Churches Together – May 2014

Last night the ‘Churches Together’ meeting was held at Furlong Road Methodist Church and was attended by people from a variety of local churches: It was good to worship and pray together, as well as to find out all kinds of obscure facts about each other!...


John was keen that we can distinguish between truth and lies (1 John 2:18-29) and it is clear from 1 John 2:19 that the lies he was talking about (denying the Father and the Son) originated within the church. Heresy (‘belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious...