In the Light

Last night’s prayer meeting looked at bringing people into the light of Christ through our prayers. Jesus is the Light of the world who has come into our world and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5, John 8:12) As Matt Redman’s ‘Light of the...

Praying through the anger

Many of us hold strange views on prayer. We are perhaps used to hearing ‘model prayers’ spoken in church, prayers full of eloquent language and lofty sentiments, and as a result of this, we may feel that our prayers are somehow inferior. We may feel we...

What everyday distinctiveness looks like…

Do we have to shun technology and grow long beards (like the Amish) in order to be distinctively Christian? Is there a particular way to look that will tell others we belong to Christ? Everyday distinctiveness is not really visible from the outside necessarily, but...

Everyday Distinctiveness

What does a Christian look like? It would be wonderful if you could look at people and instantly see who was a Christian and who wasn’t! Life is not quite that simple, however. Jesus told a parable about wheat and weeds which reminds us that in this life, it can...

Saviour of the World

Mark’s sermon on Joseph emphasised that God’s purpose is for the world to come to know Him. Everything which happens to us in life works together for good, with God’s aim being that the world should be saved. A song we sang during the service...

The Big Reveal

Mark continued his fascinating series on Joseph by looking at Genesis 45. The story has reached the climatic point where Joseph reveals his true identity to his brothers. Judah’s plea for mercy, offering to give his own life so that Benjamin can return with his...