Women’s World Day of Prayer

The Women’s World Day of Prayer was held at St Peter’s church in Barnburgh, celebrating the theme of servanthood from John 13:1-17. With colourful clothing and displays and lively music, we celebrated the diversity of these islands: As we prayed for...

More to do…

Don’t forget the Women’s World Day of Prayer this Friday (6th March.) This will start at 6 p.m. at St Peter’s Church in Barnburgh, and has been written by women from the Bahamas. Banish the winter blues by wearing colourful clothes! Don’t...

There’s nothing to do…

How often have we heard the plaintive complaint of a child during the school holidays, ‘There’s nothing to do!’? Children seem to have a low boredom threshold, and this does not always disappear with age! Local residents often complain that there is...

Update from Mozambique

The latest newsletter from Steve & Katuska Davies in Mozambique arrived this week. The annual team retreat took them away from the smoke of Maputo to the salt of the Indian Ocean, and they were refreshed from Bible teaching from other OMS missionaries. The...

Lessons in obedience

Obedience is a key topic in the Bible. We see it in the choice Jesus gave Peter when he told him to follow Him: he could choose to follow or to walk away. Jonah is the classic example of one who initially disobeyed God and ended up in the belly of a large fish as a...

Quacking obedience

Last night’s family service was on the topic of obedience. Based on a tenuous link to 2 Kings 5 (Naaman had to ‘duck’ into the River Jordan seven times), Mark’s game focussed on trying to shoot ducks off a board while blindfolded, following...