Wednesday’s decorating

Wednesday saw more of the same: glossing the radiators in the community room, touching up and finishing walls, plus painting wood preservative onto the new notice board. In some ways, the ‘finishing touches’ are what makes a job look well done and yet they...

Tuesday’s decorating

Tuesday was a busy day of glossing, painting, cooking and cleaning… We had home-made soup to keep us going! Cleaning up at the end of the day: This is why he was on the scaffolding!

Day 4 of decorating…

Another productive day of decorating has passed! Working on wood to be used on a door: The wood in situ: Painting the ladies’ toilets (and steadying the steps): Ongoing work in the community room: An almost completed wall… (the scaffolding had to be...

A slippery slope

The road to hell, the proverb goes, is paved with good intentions. There are many who advocate euthanasia for the most humane of reasons. They want to alleviate pain and suffering; they want to show mercy and compassion to those suffering (whether the person involved...

A Good Death?

In his new series ‘Talking Point!’, Garry hopes to stimulate discussion and talk from a Christian perspective about issues that are in the news today, equipping Christians to understand and explain the Biblical reasons for why we believe what we believe on...


This morning’s sermon looked at Psalm 125, continuing in our series looking at the Psalms of Ascent. The psalm begins by comparing God’s people to Mount Zion ‘which cannot be shaken but endures forever.’ (Ps 125:1) Mountains are solid and...