B is for Believe

In the second of the alphabet series ‘The A-Z of Christian Faith’, we looked at ‘B is for Believe’. To believe, the dictionary says, is ‘to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute...


Dave continued his series on the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) today, looking at the subject of kindness. Kindness is ‘the quality of being warm-hearted, sympathetic, humane’ and although it can be quite difficult to define the word, acts of kindness...

Gender Differences

Gender issues remain a talking point within today’s society, and the blurring of gender roles can be of great concern to Christians today. As we reflect on the Creation account, we may want to ponder what it means to be made in God’s image, ‘male and female’ (see Gen...

The Historical Context

1 Corinthians was written to address various problems within the Corinthian church which gave rise to disputes. Paul deals with both theological and practical problems, addressing serious doctrinal disputes and moral sins as well as problems in Christian living,...

Hats Off?

Moving on from discussions about meat sacrificed to idols, Paul goes on to tackle the subject of ‘propriety in worship services’ in the next chapters of 1 Corinthians (11-14), with 1 Cor 11:2-16 looking at the subject of head coverings, a passage which has proved...

Easter news

As we continue to pray for salvation in 2016, our prayer topic for March focuses on our Easter outreaches: the ‘Churches Together’ Palm Sunday procession at Phoenix Park on Sunday 20th March (leaving church at 10 a.m., meeting for prayer at Houghton Road...