Paid On The Nail

Graham Kendrick captures the value of an individual in this song: ‘Is a rich man worth more than a poor man? A stranger worth less than a friend? Is a baby worth more than an old man? Your beginning worth more than your end? Is a president worth more than his...

Celebrity Culture

Garry’s ‘Talking Point’ sermon tonight looked at the subject of celebrity culture. Celebrities seem to enjoy incredible importance and influence in the Western world, be they film stars, sportspeople, talent show winners or Internet celebrities....

Light-emitting disciples

John spoke thi morning from John 12:23-36, a sermon he entitled ‘Lifted by Love, Attracted by Grace.’ Sin has broken the relationship man had originally with God and causes us to fear that relationship with God for which we were created, but through Jesus,...

The Role of Women

Paul is often portrayed as a misogynistic leader, relegating women to a subservient role in the church (and society), a view largely based on 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 and 1 Timothy 2:11-12. Certainly, these verses can be taken to mean women should be seen and not heard,...

Using Spiritual Gifts

Paul concludes his advice on tongues, interpretation and prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:26-40) with some very practical advice. It seems that church services could be a little chaotic at Corinth, with everybody so eager to share that they were all talking at once! Paul...