I am what I am

Matthew West’s song ‘Hello, My Name Is…’ contrasts how we often see ourselves with the truths of who we are in Christ. So often, we are filled with condemnation, regret and defeat, but God’s grace brings us a new perspective on ourselves as well as on life...

By the grace of God…

Many of us like to think that we deserve to be saved, that God owes us a favour. We have an inflated opinion of ourselves. The way to God, however, is not by our virtue and our good deeds (Isaiah reminds us that ‘all our righteous acts are as filthy rags’ (Is 64:6)),...

Firm Foundations

In Matt 7:24-27, Jesus concludes his famous ‘Sermon on the Mount’ with an illustration about wise and foolish builders, reminding us that foundations are absolutely crucial to successful building. Paul reminds us of this in 1 Cor 3:10-15, telling us that the only...


After a summer break, our Bible studies re-started tonight at 1 Corinthians 15, the ‘resurrection chapter’, the longest chapter in any of the New Testament epistles and the one where Paul discusses the centrality of the resurrection of Christ and its impact and...

Learning Outcomes

In the world of education, learning outcomes are statements of what students will learn in a lesson. The statements are focused on student learning (What will students learn today?) rather than instructor teaching (What am I going to teach today?). The idea is that...

Wine or Whine?

Diane read a poem by Rev. Dean Beaty during the service last night: ‘Since Christ turns water into wine, Why do I worry, or why whine? I know He’ll meet my every need, Beyond my wildest dreams exceed.   This is the problem that I face: I take my eyes off...