I is for Imagination

Tonight we continued our alphabet series ‘The A-Z of Christian Faith’, looking at ‘I is for Imagination.’ Imagination is often much derided in our Western culture; whilst we accept the role of the imagination in children, as adults, we tend to feel that we need to...

Walking on God’s Path

John spoke this morning on Ps 119:105, commenting about God’s word being a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. We all need to be guided by God, and God’s word provides the illumination and guidance we need. Our feet are given purpose in God, for He...

Jesus is coming!

Tonight’s Bible study looked at the subject of the Second Coming of Christ, an event heralded by the ‘last trumpet’ (1 Cor 15:52, see also 1 Thess 4:13-18). This has been a hotly debated topic for centuries, discussed by Jesus in Matt 24; as with all...

November events

Don’t miss out on the following events: Christian bookstall at both morning and evening services on Sunday 13th November. Christmas cards, books, CDs and presents will be available; payment needed on the day. The service at Cherry Tree Court will be on Sunday...

Dementia Friendly Session

For anyone with any experience of dementia, there is the knowledge that this is a terrible disease which effectively leads to bereavement even before the person actually dies. So often, those looking after people with dementia feel isolated and cut off from society;...