
When I was a child, one of my favourite toys was a kaleidoscope (a cylinder with mirrors containing loose, coloured objects such as beads or pebbles or pieces of glass.) As you look through one end of a kaleidoscope, light entering the other end creates a colourful...

How to get godly wisdom

The second part of Yan’s sermon on the gift of godly wisdom looked at how we actually acquire such wisdom! Our growth in wisdom is largely determined by our attitude to it. Prov 4:6-8 shows us that we should love, exalt and embrace wisdom; we have to make it a...

The Gift of Godly Wisdom

Yan Hadley spoke on the gift of godly wisdom last night, reminding us that this affects the decisions we make, the directions we take, the dilemmas we face and the destiny God shapes for us. Every Christian and every church needs godly wisdom not just to survive, but...


One of the things Garry mentioned this morning was the power of songs to capture spiritual truths about who God is and what He has done. Below are some songs which do this (click on the song title to listen to the song.) ‘Wonderful’, Phil Wickham...

Worship in prayer

Garry continued speaking on being productive in our faith, continuing to look at the importance of prayer in our lives. Last time, he had talked about the need to pray in the Spirit and develop sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading as we pray. Today, he looked at...