Being Sustained

My granddaughter has just discovered the sustaining pedal on the piano. Often called the ‘loud pedal’, it ‘sustains’ all the damped strings on the piano by moving all the dampers away from the strings and allowing them to vibrate freely,...

Dealing With Despondency

In our Bible study last week, we looked at how troublesome thoughts can trip us up. (1 Samuel 27) We discussed the powerful effect of our thoughts on our moods and actions. David effectively believed a lie, that Saul would eventually kill him instead of trusting God...

Submission to authority

Garry continued his series on the church of God tonight, looking further at the question of submission, this time our submission to authority. Submission to God is our voluntary response to Him, and His motives are always pure and for our benefit. Our submission to...

When God Makes Us Wait

Dave spoke this morning from Hebrews 10:22-25, asking the question all of us face at some time: ‘Why isn’t God doing what He has promised?’ Over the years God has promised much to us as individuals, as a church and as part of the Dearne Valley,...

Mind Battles

We often think of life as a mountain climb, an ascent where we make linear progress to a summit and can ‘arrive’ at a peak with satisfaction. In truth, life is more like a meandering river where there are twists and turns we cannot predict and where our own progress...