Hope As Light

Sally Welch says, ‘Hope is not always easy – it challenges us, bidding us to move out of our comfortable zone of despair, that grey sludge which covers the brightest thing with its mess of apathy and inertia.’ She goes on to say, ‘Hope encourages us to look beyond our...

Living With Hope

Jeremiah 29 is probably the most well-known chapter in that book; it’s the chapter when Jeremiah writes to the exiles banished from Israel and tells them that this exile isn’t going to be over quickly, but that this difficult period of Israel’s history should not be...

Jesus’s First Questions

In our series looking at questions, we looked at Luke 2:41-52 where the first words of Jesus are recorded in the form of two questions. The incident is one of the few aspects of Jesus’s childhood we see in the Gospels and narrates how He is found at the temple...

Faith In Action

Garry spoke this morning from Genesis 41:1, 9, 14-16, reminding us of how Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams by God’s help. Finally, after all the ups and downs of his life, Joseph stands before the most powerful man in Egypt and is given the opportunity...