A Softened Heart

At our ‘Little Big Church’ service tonight, Garry explored the sensitivity of touch with the children, getting them to feel objects such as an apple, onion and lemon and then placing these objects into a pillowcase and finding out if they could guess which...

Gaining the World But Losing Your Soul

In our series looking at questions God asks us, we looked at Mark 8:34-38 where Jesus asked His disciples two challenging questions: What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?  What can anyone give in exchange for their soul? In these...

Cleaning Day

Thank you to all who came to church this morning to help with cleaning and tidying. Your help is much appreciated. Garry’s fierce attire, incidentally, was because he was going to tackle the very large weeds at the side and rear of the church building!

Update From Haiti

We have finally heard from Compassion in Haiti about the devastating earthquake there. Whilst we are thankful that Bedline was not injured in this earthquake, our hearts go out to all who have suffered loss at this time. Please continue to pray for these families and...