Belonging & Being Included

I wasn’t a popular child at school. My mother was one of the teachers there, so that instantly set me apart and my studious quietness wasn’t particularly liked. All my skills were in the academic side of school, so when it came to PE and team games, I was...

God Welcomes All Sorts!

Last month, Garry talked about choices and gave us the opportunity to choose between white, milk and plain chocolate. That got Julie thinking about all the other kinds of chocolates there are (such as Celebrations, Quality Street and Heroes) and the children found out...

The Good Work of God

Dave spoke this morning from Phil 1:3-6. Paul wrote many letters to specific churches such as this one, but the letters were probably also widely circulated to other churches and have relevance to us all nowadays. The letter to the Philippians, written while Paul was...

Looking Further Ahead…

Please continue to pray for our usual outreach ministries: the youth club on Monday nights the Parent & Toddler group on Friday mornings our monthly meeting at Cherry Tree Court (on 8th March) Pray that God will use us to show His love to many people and will give...