Double Negatives

When I was at school, in both maths and English I was taught that double negatives make a positive: in maths, if you multiply two negative numbers, you get a positive number (I’m not sure I ever understood why) and in English, I was taught that two negatives...

Coping Strategies

So, how are you coping, then, in this strange new world of lockdown? There’s a lot of talk about coping strategies online and about protecting and strengthening our mental and emotional health, about how to build resilience at a time when nothing seems quite...

The Messiah’s Manifesto

Garry spoke tonight on ‘The Messiah’s Manifesto’, initially speaking from one of Isaiah’s Servant Songs (Is 42:1-7). Here, we see that the Servant of God would be aided by God, approved by God and anointed by God, a bringer of justice, but not...