August news

We are busy preparing to re-open our building for services on 2nd August. Things will look different, as we have spaced chairs out in family bubbles and for individuals to maintain social distancing, as required by government guidance. There are new notices, reminding...


Stephen spoke tonight on the subject of miracles, asking if they are relevant, possible and real today? He challenged us to consider two statements: God is who He says He is God can do what He says He can do Many of us accept the first statement but struggle more with...

Expectation & Fulfilment

Garry continued his series on words associated with ‘Sabbath’ this morning, looking at two Hebrew words which are connected to expectation and hope and then to fulfilment and satisfaction, both crucial aspects of our gathering together when we keep the...

The Long View

Christianity is concerned with the now. The now is all we have; as someone has once said, playing on the synonyms ‘gift’ and ‘present’ and on the dual use of the word ‘present’ in the English language (where it can mean both...