Further Musings on Sunflowers

I’m back pondering the mysteries of nature and the amazing gifts God has given us in the great variety of flowers we can find all around. There is so much that this single sunflower is teaching me! (Thanks to David Trelawny-Ross for sharing the photos with us.) Before...

The God Who Keeps His Word (2)

From the example of Joseph we can see how God keeps His word. First, He does this by not throwing up our past. We all have things of which we are ashamed, times when we did things we shouldn’t have, or we didn’t do things we should have. When Jesus died upon the...

The God Who Keeps His Word

During the recent pandemic, many people have asked, ‘Where is God in this situation?’ – a question that has been asked throughout history when people face suffering. Dave spoke tonight about Jacob’s family, a godly family that suffered over 20...

Participators, Not Spectators

As a child, I grew up with a sports-mad Dad and an aversion to doing sport myself. I went along with my Dad to football and cricket matches and learnt English and world geography through accompanying him to football grounds watching Barnsley F. C. and following...

A New Partnership (3)

In the Message version, Phil 2:14-16 says, ‘Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and...