The Snake

Stephen spoke this morning on the deceitfulness of sin. The song ‘The Snake’ (sung here by Al Wilson) reminds us that no matter what kindness shown to a half-frozen snake, it will always be true to its own nature; in the song, the snake eventually bites...

Seeking God

In the middle of his speech in Athens, Paul, talking about God as the Creator of all mankind, said, ‘God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.’ (Acts 17:27) Seeking God is part of our...

Zealous For God’s Glory

Jealousy is an emotion that is often perceived as being negative, birthed in insecurity. We feel jealous when we perceive someone to be more beautiful or successful than ourselves, for example, or we feel jealous when we feel that someone we love does not give us...


John’s first letter ends with the simple admonition, ‘Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.’ (1 John 5:21) It’s tempting to dismiss that as irrelevant in modern society, since in many countries, we no longer worship statues or images made of wood, stone or metal...

Creator, Sustainer, Ruler, Father & Judge

Paul’s speech in Athens (Acts 17:16-34) shows us how he constantly turned every opportunity he had into a proclamation of the gospel. He started where the people were, talking about their altar to an unknown god and quoting from their own philosophers, but went on to...